The following uses, unless granted a special exception, are prohibited within the
drinking water protection critical area(s): abandoned water wells, above ground storage
tanks, agriculture chemical-formulation/distribution facilities, airports, animal
feed lots/dairies, asphalt plants, auto/boat/tractor/small engine shops, battery recyclers,
body shop/paint shops, car washes, cemeteries, chemical plants, class I injection
wells, class II injection wells, class III injection wells, class V injection wells,
dry cleaner/laundromats, funeral homes, furniture stripping facilities, golf courses,
hospitals, irrigation wells, lumber mills, metal plating/metal working facilities,
military facilities, nonfunctional septic systems, nuclear plants, oxidation ponds,
paper mills, petroleum bulk plants, pipeline compressor stations, plant nurseries,
port facilities, power plants, printing shops, promiscuous dumps, railroad yards—switching/loading
and offloading/maintenance, salvage yards, sand/gravel pits, sanitary landfills, sewer
treatment plants, truck terminals, underground storage tanks, wood preserving plants.